Using the Asterisk GUI

The Asterisk GUI is not the same as the AstLinux Web Interface.

The Asterisk GUI is an open source project created by Digium, allowing the Asterisk configuration to be created, edited and managed via a web browser. If you prefer to edit the Asterisk configuration via a text editor or via the Edit tab in the AstLinux Web Interface, do not use the Asterisk GUI without first understanding how the Asterisk GUI re-writes the configuration files.

Note: Asterisk GUI is no longer supported with AstLinux 1.2.3 and later.

Two files are key to allowing the Asterisk GUI to operate, located at:

  • /mnt/kd/asterisk/manager.conf (or a symlink as /etc/asterisk/manager.conf)
  • /mnt/kd/asterisk/http.conf (or a symlink as /etc/asterisk/http.conf)

Additionally, if the file /mnt/kd/dahdi/system.conf does not exist, create it with the CLI command:

cp /stat/etc/dahdi/system.conf /mnt/kd/dahdi/system.conf

The default manager.conf should contain these settings, without editing:

enabled = yes
webenabled = yes

port = 5038
bindaddr =

The username/password for the Asterisk GUI is defined in the manager.conf file. Add/Edit a section similar to the following:

secret = astlinux
;deny =
;permit =
read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config
write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config

Be sure to change the password and possibly also uncomment/edit the deny/permit lines for added security.

The default http.conf should contain these settings, without editing:

; Port to bind to for HTTP sessions (default is 8088)
; Prefix allows you to specify a prefix for all requests
; to the server.  The default is blank.  If uncommented
; all requests must begin with /asterisk
; sessionlimit specifies the maximum number of httpsessions that will be
; allowed to exist at any given time. (default: 100)
; Whether Asterisk should serve static content from http-static
; Default is no.
; Redirect one URI to another.  This is how you would set a
; default page.
;   Syntax: redirect=<from here> <to there>
; For example, if you are using the Asterisk-gui,
; it is convenient to enable the following redirect:
;redirect = / /static/config/index.html

A new install http.conf should appear similar as above.

Restart asterisk for any of the above file changes to become active.

Access the Asterisk GUI using the following URL:


Username: admin
Password: secret from manager.conf

  • userdoc/tt_asterisk-gui.txt
  • Last modified: 2015/05/16 11:08
  • by abelbeck