
Note: AstLinux 1.2.5 or later is required

VM Host Specifications: VirtualBox

AstLinux Board Type:

  • “genx86_64” (VGA video console)
  • “genx86_64-vm” (VGA video console, including KVM and virtio drivers)

VM Guest Recommended Options:

  • Memory: 512 to 1024 MB
  • CPU: 2 Processor Cores
  • Virtual Storage: 4 to 8 GB
  • Network: Bridged Interface


Create a new Virtual Machine using “Expert Mode” …

Specify Name, Type and Version. Set Memory size to 512 to 1024 MB:


Click “Create”…

Specify the Hard Disk size, the default is 8 GB, 4 GB should also work well for AstLinux.

Hard Disk

Click “Create”…

The basic VM is finished, but we need to specify a few more configuration options.

Select “Settings” → “Storage” and click on the “Empty” CD/DVD IDE optical drive:

Click on the the icon right of “Optical Drive: [ IDE Secondary Master ], then “Choose Virtual Optical Disk File…”

Choose Disk

Select the downloaded “astlinux-NNN-genx86_64.iso” ISO file:

Choose Image

Show Image

Click “OK”…

Select “Settings” → “System” → Processor, set 2 Processor CPUs:


Click “OK”…

Select “Settings” → “Network” → Adapter 1, set “Bridged Adapter”:
(Use 'en0: Ethernet 1' for single interface host)


Click “OK”…

Select “Settings” → “Audio”, uncheck “Enable Audio”:

Disable Audio OS

Click “OK”…

Next, Install AstLinux, “Start” the VM, after a few seconds you should see the AstLinux Installer:

Install AstLinux

Select the “Install” installer menu, follow the dialogs to install an AstLinux image to your virtual disk.
When finished select the “Shutdown” installer menu.

After shutdown, Select “Settings” → “Storage” and remove the AstLinux ISO from the optical drive:

Remove CDROM

It should now show “Empty”. Click “OK”…

Then “Start” the VM again:


Finally, configure AstLinux using the normal setup.

Tip -> Note the “IPv4 Address:” on the screen and access the VM with SSH or an HTTPS browser on the same network.

  • userdoc/guest_vm_virtualbox.txt
  • Last modified: 2017/06/29 16:26
  • by abelbeck