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userdoc:tt_ast_startup [2012/05/09 16:36]
userdoc:tt_ast_startup [2013/04/20 04:27] (current)
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 For IP-phones with custom lamps (hints) it can help a lot to reduce the "Subscription Timer" (for BLFs) to 120 sec, otherwise it can take a long time until the lamp states will be refreshed after an Asterisk restart. For IP-phones with custom lamps (hints) it can help a lot to reduce the "Subscription Timer" (for BLFs) to 120 sec, otherwise it can take a long time until the lamp states will be refreshed after an Asterisk restart.
-**Update:** At least Asterisk 1.6.2 + 1.8.x already stores the custom device-states in AstDB automatically!+**Update:** At least Asterisk 1.6.2 + 1.8.x already store the custom device-states in AstDB automatically!
   database show CustomDevstate   database show CustomDevstate
  • userdoc/tt_ast_startup.1336599391.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2012/05/09 16:36
  • by droemel