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Linode KVM

Note: AstLinux 1.3.0 or later is required

VM Host Specifications: Linode

AstLinux Board Type:

  • “genx86_64-vm” (VGA video console)

VM Guest Recommended Options:

  • Plan: Nanode 1GB
  • Memory: 1 GB
  • CPU: 1 Processor Core
  • Virtual Storage: 2 to 16 GB


The configuration process involves several steps:

  • Create two “unformatted / raw” virtual disks, one for the ISO installer image and one for the AstLinux boot image
  • Create two configuration profiles, one to run the ISO installer, the other to boot AstLinux
  • Using “Rescue Mode” dd copy the AstLinux ISO Installer to the raw installer image, this involves using the command line
  • Reboot using the installer configuration profile to install AstLinux onto the boot disk
  • Reboot using the boot configuration profile to setup AstLinux

All the steps will be discussed herein, but separate detailed instructions can also be found here: Install a Custom Distribution on a Linode

Before we begin, let's discuss a couple topics.

A hosted VM service like Linode requires some sort of “console” access, Linode offers several. Using the Linodes → Remote Access tab, view the available options.

Remote Access

More Info: Using the Linode Shell (Lish)

Additionally, Linode offers a “Shutdown Watchdog”, enabled by default using the Linodes → Settings tab.


We mention this since your AstLinux “reboot” will only act as a “poweroff” if Lassie is disabled. As such you will only be asked to “Reboot” to run a configuration profile.

OK, let's begin …

Using the Linodes → Dashboard tab, create an installer disk (120 MB) and a boot disk (8000 MB), both of type “unformatted / raw”.

Create Installer Disk

Create Boot Disk

Using the Linodes → Dashboard tab, create two configuration profiles, one to run the ISO installer, the other to boot AstLinux.

Installer Profile: Installer Config

Boot Profile: Boot Config

We boot into the rescue Linux image to copy the AstLinux Install ISO onto the raw installer disk. Note where the installer disk is mounted, assuming /dev/sda.

Click “Reboot into Rescue Mode” using Linodes → Rescue

Access Lish via “Lish via SSH” using Linodes → Remote Access

This example command copies the AstLinux 1.3.3 ISO onto /dev/sda, adjust accordingly.

curl --capath /usr/share/ca-certificates/mozilla | dd of=/dev/sda

Now we are ready to launch the installer, exit “Lish via SSH”.

Dashboard Install

Select “Installer-astlinux-1.3” and click “Reboot” using Linodes → Dashboard

Access Glish via “Launch Graphical Web Console” using Linodes → Remote Access


Select the “Install” installer menu, follow the dialogs to install an AstLinux image to your virtual disk.


Select “Boot-AstLinux-1.3” and click “Reboot” using Linodes → Dashboard

Access Glish via “Launch Graphical Web Console” using Linodes → Remote Access


Finally, configure AstLinux using the normal setup.

Tip -> Note the “IPv4 Address:” on the screen and access the VM with SSH or an HTTPS browser from anywhere.

Warning -> It is important to enable the Firewall as soon as possible. Create rules with limited access for TCP ports 22,80,443 (SSH/HTTP/HTTPS) from trusted public addresses.

Out-of-Band Console Access:

Out-of-Band Console Access is an optional feature, but very useful, so enable it.

After you have AstLinux setup with persistent storage and firewall rules applied, out-of-band console access is enabled by editing the /etc/inittab file.

Change this line…

# ttyS0::respawn:/sbin/getty -L 115200 /dev/ttyS0 vt100

to this…

ttyS0::respawn:/sbin/getty -L 19200 /dev/ttyS0 vt100

Reboot AstLinux to apply the change.

Below is a sample session to access AstLinux box “linode” via the Linode Shell (Lish).

More Info: Using the Linode Shell (Lish)

## Where <user> is your Linode username
## Where <location> is: dallas, newark, frankfurt, etc.

$ ssh <user>@lish-<location>
Linux lish-<location> 4.15.13-x86_64-linode106 #1 SMP Tue Mar 27 14:42:14 UTC 2018 x86_64
Linodes located in this data center:
linode123456        Location          
[<user>@lish-<location>]# linode123456

This is linode (Linux x86_64 3.16.54-astlinux) 13:00:10
linode login: root
linode ~ # who
root            ttyS0           00:00   May 29 13:00:19
linode ~ # exit

This is linode (Linux x86_64 3.16.54-astlinux) 13:00:47
linode login:

Tip -> Access occurs via a screen console session.

To exit, type Control-A then D then D and finally exit to return to the starting shell.

  • userdoc/hosted_guest_vm_linode.1527631498.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018/05/29 17:04
  • by abelbeck