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Note: AstLinux 1.2.5 or later is required

VM Host Specifications: VirtualBox

AstLinux Board Type:

  • “genx86_64” (VGA video console)

VM Guest Recommended Options:

  • Memory: 512 to 1024 MB
  • CPU: 2 Processor Cores
  • Virtual Storage: 4 to 8 GB
  • Network: Bridged Interface


Create a new Virtual Machine using “Expert Mode” …

Specify Name, Type and Version. Set Memory size to 512 to 1024 MB:


Click “Create”…

Specify the Hard Disk size, the default is 8 MB, 4 MB should also work well for AstLinux.

Hard Disk

Click “Create”…

The basic VM is finished, but we need to specify a few more configuration options.

Select “Settings” → “Storage” and remove the “Empty” CD/DVD IDE optical drive, then “Add” a new optical drive:

Choose Disk

Click “Choose disk”…

Select the downloaded “astlinux-NNN-genx86_64.iso” ISO file:

Choose Image

Show Image

Click “OK”…

Select “Settings” → “System” → Processor, set 2 Processor CPUs: (Use 'en0: Ethernet1' for single interface host)


Click “OK”…

Select “Settings” → “Network” → Adapter 1, set “Bridged Adapter”:


Click “OK”…

Select “Settings” → “Audio”, uncheck “Enable Audio”:

Disable Audio OS

Click “OK”…

Next, Install AstLinux, “Start” the VM, after a few seconds you should see the AstLinux Installer:

Install AstLinux

Select the “Install” installer menu, follow the dialogs to install an AstLinux image to your virtual disk.
When finished select the “Shutdown” installer menu.

After shutdown, select the “Startup Disk” as “Hard Disk (SCSI)”:

Remove CDROM

Then again, “Start” the VM:


Finally, configure AstLinux using the normal setup.

Tip -> Note the “IPv4 Address:” on the screen and access the VM with SSH or an HTTPS browser on the same network.

  • userdoc/guest_vm_virtualbox.1454776734.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/02/06 10:38
  • by abelbeck