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The bero*fix card from BeroNet is a kind of modular Media Gateway in form of a PCI/PCIe card 1) or an external box, which talks to Asterisk via SIP 2). It will be detected by the the system as a standard network card 3). It's the successor to the BNxSO and BNxE1 ISDN cards. It has 2 module slots, which can be used for BRI and/or S2M connections (also mixed). FXS, FXO, 2BRI/2FXS and GSM modules are supported too. The bero*fix card has its own webserver and is configured via a WebGUI. Further Information can be found here:

Be sure to set it up as “Proxy”!

The easiest way to get access to an internal bero*fix card is to set up a bridge in AstLinux. See also this tip regarding bridges in AstLinux. Load the Realtek NIC driver (8139too for PCI, r8169 for PCIe in /etc/rc.modules), then reboot and put

BRIDGE0="eth0 eth4"

into your user.conf4), reboot again and then in the Network tab choose br0 for your Internal or External Interface. There is a small tool, called bfdetect, to change the default IP address and other network settings, which is now included in AstLinux (0.7.5+).

Note: The default IP address of the bero*fix is You will initially need to assign BR0 an address in this range (e.g. in order for bfdetect to work.

Then you need to to run the following command:

bfdetect -b<NIC-IP-address> (e.g. bfdetect -b10.0.0.1)

Since Q4/2012 there is also a bero*fix appliance available (mini-ITX board + bero*fix combined in a case). There is also a cheaper “Small Business Line” without pluggable modules available.

the PCI card fits into a net5501 with a standard case, but not with the Molex power connector, needed (only) for FXS modules!
so no ISDN driver needs to be installed for it
Realtek RTL8139 (PCI) or RTL8101E (PCIe) chipset, these are included in the net5501, geni586 and genx86_64 images
where eth4 is your bero*fix card in this example
  • userdoc/berofix.1462102475.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/05/01 06:34
  • by droemel