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userdoc:tt_web_interface_edit_codemirror_key_map [2020/10/22 13:27]
userdoc:tt_web_interface_edit_codemirror_key_map [2020/10/22 13:27] (current)
Line 22: Line 22:
 __Toggle Fullscreen__  -> ''Tab'' __Toggle Fullscreen__  -> ''Tab''
-Fullscreen mode will make the text editing area use the full current window.  ''Tab'' will toggle between the two states, very handy.+Fullscreen mode will make the text editing area use the full current window.  ''Tab'' will toggle between the two states, very handy.\\ 
 To insert a ''Tab'' (for spacing) within the editor window, you need to type ''Ctrl-Alt-Tab'' (on a Mac). To insert a ''Tab'' (for spacing) within the editor window, you need to type ''Ctrl-Alt-Tab'' (on a Mac).
  • userdoc/tt_web_interface_edit_codemirror_key_map.1603391247.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2020/10/22 13:27
  • by mkeuter