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userdoc:tt_web_interface_edit_codemirror_key_map [2019/08/07 16:06]
userdoc:tt_web_interface_edit_codemirror_key_map [2020/10/22 13:27] (current)
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 ====== Edit tab w/CodeMirror Keyboard Mapping ====== ====== Edit tab w/CodeMirror Keyboard Mapping ======
-AstLinux now supports the versatile [[|CodeMirror]] text editor, implemented in JavaScript for the browser.  CodeMirror is now the default text editor within the AstLinux web interface **Edit tab**, but users may still use the standard HTML editor if they desire.+AstLinux now supports the versatile [[|CodeMirror]] text editor, implemented in JavaScript for the browser.  CodeMirror is now the default text editor within the AstLinux web interface **Edit tab**, but users may still use the standard HTML editor if they choose.
 !!Note: AstLinux 1.3.7 or later is required!! !!Note: AstLinux 1.3.7 or later is required!!
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 {{:userdoc:codemirror-prefs-tab.png?nolink|Prefs Tab}} {{:userdoc:codemirror-prefs-tab.png?nolink|Prefs Tab}}
-Unchecking "CodeMirror Editor" will revert back the using the standard HTML editor.+Unchecking "CodeMirror Editor" will revert back to using the standard HTML editor.
 The user may select a "Theme", the [default] is colored text on a white background. The user may select a "Theme", the [default] is colored text on a white background.
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 \\ \\
 **AstLinux Specific Keyboard Mapping** **AstLinux Specific Keyboard Mapping**
-__Toggle Comment__  -> ''Ctrl-/'' or ''Ctrl-.'' (PC), ''Cmd-/'' or ''Cmd-.'' (Mac) 
 __Toggle Fullscreen__  -> ''Tab'' __Toggle Fullscreen__  -> ''Tab''
 +Fullscreen mode will make the text editing area use the full current window.  ''Tab'' will toggle between the two states, very handy.\\ 
 +To insert a ''Tab'' (for spacing) within the editor window, you need to type ''Ctrl-Alt-Tab'' (on a Mac).
 __Exit Fullscreen__  -> ''Esc'' __Exit Fullscreen__  -> ''Esc''
 +The natural key choice to return to normal mode.  Only applies when in fullscreen mode.
 +__Toggle Comment__  -> ''Ctrl-/'' or ''Ctrl-.'' (PC), ''Cmd-/'' or ''Cmd-.'' (Mac)
 +Comment or un-comment the selected line(s) depending on the current comment state.
 \\ \\
 **Standard CodeMirror Keyboard Mapping** **Standard CodeMirror Keyboard Mapping**
-{{:userdoc:codemirror-0010.png?nolink&670|Search Keys}}+{{:userdoc:codemirror-0010.png?nolink&838|Search Keys}}
-{{:userdoc:codemirror-0020.png?nolink&670|Edit Keys}}+{{:userdoc:codemirror-0020.png?nolink&838|Edit Keys}}
-{{:userdoc:codemirror-0030.png?nolink&670|Select Keys}}+{{:userdoc:codemirror-0021.png?nolink&838|Edit Keys}}
-{{:userdoc:codemirror-0040.png?nolink&670|Move Cursor Keys}}+{{:userdoc:codemirror-0030.png?nolink&838|Select Keys}}
-{{:userdoc:codemirror-0050.png?nolink&670|Move Cursor Keys}}+{{:userdoc:codemirror-0040.png?nolink&838|Move Cursor Keys}}
-{{:userdoc:codemirror-0060.png?nolink&670|Advanced Edit Keys}}+{{:userdoc:codemirror-0050.png?nolink&838|Move Cursor Keys}}
 +{{:userdoc:codemirror-0060.png?nolink&838|Advanced Edit Keys}}
  • userdoc/tt_web_interface_edit_codemirror_key_map.1565212007.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019/08/07 16:06
  • by abelbeck