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SMTP Local Aliases

There are situations where it is desirable to send an email to multiple recipients while the application only supports a single email address. Asterisk Voicemail is one such example.

SMTP local aliases can be used to map a local recipient (does not contain an '@') to a comma separated list of remote recipients (each contain an '@'). Think of it as local mail groups.

Note: AstLinux 1.1.8 or later is required

The SMTP Local Aliases feature is enabled when the /mnt/kd/msmtp-aliases.conf file exists while the “msmtp” service is started.

Tip -> Changes to the /mnt/kd/msmtp-aliases.conf file may be performed without the need to restart the “msmtp” service for the changes to be applied.

Example /mnt/kd/msmtp-aliases.conf file:

## SMTP Local Aliases
## vm-list:,,
## default:



Note -> The /mnt/kd/msmtp-aliases.conf file must be initially created using the CLI, but may then be edited via the Network Tab or Edit Tab of the web interface.

Tip -> The optional 'default' entry is a catchall for any local recipient not specified, if not defined the SMTP Mail Relay Server will be forced to handle any unspecified local recipients.

Using the above example, if the Asterisk voicemail.conf (or Users Tab in the web interface) had the Email address of “vm-list” defined, voicemail attachments would be sent to the multiple remote recipients as specified.

It is useful to understand that only one email is sent to the SMTP Mail Relay Server, while multiple recipients can be specified for the SMTP server to deliver.

  • userdoc/tt_smtp_aliases.1406839769.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2014/07/31 15:49
  • by abelbeck