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userdoc:tt_smtp_aliases [2016/02/22 04:01]
userdoc:tt_smtp_aliases [2016/04/15 04:38] (current)
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 It is useful to understand that only one email is sent to the SMTP Mail Relay Server, while multiple recipients are specified for the SMTP server to deliver. It is useful to understand that only one email is sent to the SMTP Mail Relay Server, while multiple recipients are specified for the SMTP server to deliver.
-!!Note:!! Monit email notification does not work with SMTP aliases! +!!Note:!! Monit email notification does not work with SMTP aliases! You need to define multiple "alert" entries in the Monit config.
  • userdoc/tt_smtp_aliases.1456135275.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/02/22 04:01
  • by droemel