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userdoc:tt_asterisk-gui [2010/01/24 13:44]
userdoc:tt_asterisk-gui [2015/05/16 11:08] (current)
abelbeck [Using the Asterisk GUI]
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 The **Asterisk GUI** is not the same as the **AstLinux Web Interface**. The **Asterisk GUI** is not the same as the **AstLinux Web Interface**.
-The Asterisk GUI is an open source project created by [[|Digium]], allowing the Asterisk configuration to be created, edited and managed via a web browser.  If you prefer to edit the Asterisk configuration via a text editor or via the Edit tab in the AstLinux Web Interface, do not use the Asterisk GUI without first understanding how the Asterisk GUI re-writes the configurations files.+The Asterisk GUI is an open source project created by [[|Digium]], allowing the Asterisk configuration to be created, edited and managed via a web browser.  If you prefer to edit the Asterisk configuration via a text editor or via the Edit tab in the AstLinux Web Interface, do not use the Asterisk GUI without first understanding how the Asterisk GUI re-writes the configuration files. 
 +!!Note: Asterisk GUI is no longer supported with AstLinux 1.2.3 and later.!! 
 +===== Configuration Files ===== 
 +Two files are key to allowing the Asterisk GUI to operate, located at: 
 +  * ''/mnt/kd/asterisk/manager.conf'' (or a symlink as ''/etc/asterisk/manager.conf''
 +  * ''/mnt/kd/asterisk/http.conf'' (or a symlink as ''/etc/asterisk/http.conf''
 +Additionally, if the file ''/mnt/kd/dahdi/system.conf'' does **not** exist, create it with the CLI command: 
 +  cp /stat/etc/dahdi/system.conf /mnt/kd/dahdi/system.conf 
 +===== Asterisk manager.conf ===== 
 +The default ''manager.conf'' should contain these settings, without editing: 
 +  [general] 
 +  enabled = yes 
 +  webenabled = yes 
 +  port = 5038 
 +  bindaddr = 
 +The username/password for the Asterisk GUI is defined in the ''manager.conf'' file.  Add/Edit a section similar to the following: 
 +  [admin] 
 +  secret = astlinux 
 +  ;deny = 
 +  ;permit = 
 +  read = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config 
 +  write = system,call,log,verbose,command,agent,user,config 
 +Be sure to change the password and possibly also uncomment/edit the deny/permit lines for added security. 
 +===== Asterisk http.conf ===== 
 +The default ''http.conf'' should contain these settings, without editing: 
 +  [general] 
 +  ; 
 +  enabled=yes 
 +  ; 
 +  bindaddr= 
 +  ; 
 +  ; Port to bind to for HTTP sessions (default is 8088) 
 +  ; 
 +  ;bindport=8088 
 +  ; 
 +  ; Prefix allows you to specify a prefix for all requests 
 +  ; to the server.  The default is blank.  If uncommented 
 +  ; all requests must begin with /asterisk 
 +  ; 
 +  ;prefix=asterisk 
 +  ; 
 +  ; sessionlimit specifies the maximum number of httpsessions that will be 
 +  ; allowed to exist at any given time. (default: 100) 
 +  ; 
 +  ;sessionlimit=100 
 +  ; 
 +  ; Whether Asterisk should serve static content from http-static 
 +  ; Default is no. 
 +  ; 
 +  enablestatic=yes 
 +  ; 
 +  ; Redirect one URI to another.  This is how you would set a 
 +  ; default page. 
 +  ;   Syntax: redirect=<from here> <to there> 
 +  ; For example, if you are using the Asterisk-gui, 
 +  ; it is convenient to enable the following redirect: 
 +  ; 
 +  ;redirect = / /static/config/index.html 
 +  ; 
 +A new install ''http.conf'' should appear similar as above. 
 +===== Asterisk GUI - URL ===== 
 +Restart asterisk for any of the above file changes to become active. 
 +Access the Asterisk GUI using the following URL: 
 +  http://pbx-ip-address:8088/static/config/index.html 
 +Username: admin\\ 
 +Password: //secret// from ''manager.conf''\\
  • userdoc/tt_asterisk-gui.1264362276.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2010/01/24 13:44
  • by abelbeck