
This is an old revision of the document!

Vultr KVM

Note: AstLinux 1.3.4 or later is required

Note: AstLinux 1.4.0 or later is required for fresh new installations in Vultr since late 2021. (Custom ISO requires Linux 4.x or later kernel)

VM Host Specifications: Vultr

AstLinux Board Type:

  • “genx86_64-vm” (VGA video console)

VM Guest Recommended Options:

  • Plan: Cloud Compute
  • Memory: 1 GB
  • CPU: 1 Processor Core
  • Virtual Storage: 25 GB


The configuration process could not be simplier, follow a few easy steps:

  • Add ISO… upload AstLinux Installer ISO image to Vultr
  • Deploy New Server… using Vultr Cloud Compute (VC2)
  • Server Location: Select one from many across the world
  • Server Type: Select “Upload ISO” → “My ISO's”, click on the AstLinux Installer ISO
  • Server Size: Select the 1 CPU, 1024MB Memory for this example
  • Additional Features: None checked is fine, check “Enable IPv6” if desired
  • Server Hostname & Label: Define useful names for this instance

OK, let's begin …

Create a Vultr account and provide your billing information.

Create Account

Add ISO… upload AstLinux Installer ISO image to Vultr.


Download ISO

You can transfer the ISO directly from the AstLinux Project page, use the latest Guest VM x86-64bit (Video Console) version, for example the URL for version 1.4.4 is:

It will take a minute or more to finish transferring.

Finished ISO

Deploy New Server (Instance)… using Vultr Cloud Compute (VC2)


Server Location: Select one from many across the world…


Server Type: Select “Upload ISO” → “My ISO's”, click (so the check-mark appears) on the AstLinux Installer ISO…

Server Type

Server Size: Select the 1 CPU, 1 GB Memory for this example…

Server Size

Additional Features: None checked is fine, check “Enable IPv6” if desired…

Additional Features

Server Hostname & Label: Define useful names for this instance…

Hostname Label

Click “Deploy Now”

Deploy Now

In less than a minute you will see the new instance “running”.


Note -> The IPv4 address is dynamically assigned from a pool and remains static for the duration of a deployed instance, this example instance has since been destroyed so treat the IPv4 address shown and mentioned below only as an example.

By clicking on the instance information you will get a larger overview…


Click on the “View Console” icon it will open a console to the VM instance.

AstLinux Install

Select the “Install” installer menu, follow the dialogs to install an AstLinux image to your virtual disk.

When finished you can select the “Shutdown” installer menu, (or don't as it will automatically reboot in the next step).

From the Vultr dashboard click “Settings” and “Custom ISO”, you will see how to “Remove ISO”.

Remove ISO

Click on “Remove ISO”, following you will be prompted if you are sure. The ISO will be removed and the VM instance will be restarted.

Again, using the “View Console” icon you will see AstLinux booting.


Finally, configure AstLinux using the normal setup.

Tip -> Note the “IPv4 Address:” on the screen and access the VM with SSH or an HTTPS browser from anywhere.

Warning -> It is important to enable the Firewall as soon as possible. Create rules with limited access for TCP ports 22,80,443 (SSH/HTTP/HTTPS) from trusted public addresses.

  • userdoc/hosted_guest_vm_vultr.1640628273.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021/12/27 12:04
  • by abelbeck