Jetway NF9HQL-525 Dual Core Atom

Note: Requires AstLinux 1.x

Board Specifications: NF9HQL-525

AstLinux Board Type:

  • “genx86_64-serial” (Serial Console: 19200 baud for AstLinux 1.2.10 and earlier, 115200 baud for AstLinux 1.3.0 and later)

Complete System Recommended Options:

  • Memory: 204-pin DDR3 1333 SO-DIMM 2GB (or 2x 1GB sticks)
  • Flash Storage: Emphase Industrial Compact Flash (or mSATA SSD) Card 2 GB
  • Case:
    • No PCIe Expansion Card Support
      • M350 Universal Mini-ITX Case
      • AC Adapter (brick): AC Power Adapter 60W, 12V, 5A
      • Fan: (included on NF9HQL-525 board heat sink)
    • With PCIe Expansion Card Support
      • Jetway Case JC-11x-B Series1) (or similar)
      • AC Adapter (brick) is included, Internal ATX Power Supply not used
      • 2 System Fans are included
      • Riser card for PCIe slot is not included

Total System Power (no PCIe Expansion Card): 15 Watts when idle.

Performance: ~50 secs. (Single-core test, lower is better)

time ( echo "scale=3456; 4*a(1)" | bc -l )




WDMODULE="iTCO_wdt"  # Optional Watchdog

ALERT_SOUNDS="startup shutdown"  # Optional Sounds


# libsensors configuration file
# -----------------------------
# Jetway NF9HQL-525 Dual Core Atom

chip "f71882fg-*" "f71869a-*"

ignore in2
ignore in3

# Comment-out installed fan(s)
#ignore fan1
ignore fan2
ignore fan3

label in0 "3.3V"
label in1 "VCORE"
label in4 "VDIMM"
label in5 "5V"
label in6 "12V"
label in7 "3VSB"
label in8 "Vbat"

label fan1 "CPU Fan"
label fan2 "SYS Fan1"
label fan3 "SYS Fan2"

label temp1 "CPU Temp"
label temp2 "SYS Temp1"
label temp3 "SYS Temp2"

compute in0 @*2, @/2
compute in4 @*(1.5), @/(1.5)
compute in5 @*(3.7), @/(3.7)
compute in6 @*(11), @/(11)
compute in7 @*2, @/2
compute in8 @*2, @/2

Only if a Compact Flash card is used, and it supports DMA, much higher disk performance can be obtained by enabling LIBATA DMA for Compact Flash. Enable from the CLI by issuing the following command:

set-kcmd libata.dma=5

BIOS Setup via Serial Port:

While it is possibly to use a VGA cable to connect to the board's internal VGA header2) to view the BIOS3), a better solution is to use “Remote Access” to the BIOS via the serial port. Since version A02 of the NF9H BIOS the console redirect feature is enabled4).

First, configure your serial terminal program to support ANSI color and 115200 baud. If you are using minicom be sure to add the ' -c on ' option to the minicom command line, otherwise the ANSI colors will not be distinguishable in the BIOS Setup screen.

Note -> Leave Serial Port Mode → 115200 8,n,1 for AstLinux 1.3.0 and later.

Second, on startup type F4 (<ESC>OS) to enter the BIOS Setup, go to the “Integrated Peripherals” → “Remote Access Configuration” . Make the following changes…

  • Serial Port Mode → 19200 8,n,1
  • Redirection After BIOS POST → Disabled

The results should like the following screen…

Remote Access BIOS

Your system has at least one included CPU fan, you may want to enable Fan Smart Mode in the BIOS. This will automatically vary the fan speed according to it's corresponding temperature sensor. In the BIOS Setup, go to the “PC Health Status” → “Smart FAN Configurations”


In this example, the fan runs at 35% of full speed at 45 C and below, then linearly ramps up to 100% full speed at 75 C and above. The above example slows the CPU fan for normal operation and reduces the noise.

Finally, save the above BIOS changes, reboot, and reconfigure you serial terminal program if you changed the baud rate.


Side 1

Side 2


only a PCI-riser-card is included with the JC-11x-B case, no PCIe-riser!
in some countries (e.g. Germany) you may need to order the VGA header cable separately
press “DEL” at startup
the VGA header cable is needed for the BIOS upgrade
  • userdoc/board_jetway_nf9hql-525.txt
  • Last modified: 2019/07/24 22:36
  • by abelbeck