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Tarsnap Online Backup

AstLinux now supports performing remote, online, “Trust No One” encrypted snapshots using the Tarsnap Backup service. The Tarsnap service uses Amazon Web Services (EC2 and S3) for it's infrastructure. Tarsnap is the brainchild of Tarsnap Backup Inc. founder Colin Percival.

Tarsnap is a pre-pay service, opening an account with the minimum $5 USD will get you started, which will last about 1.5 years with an averaged 1 GB of storage. Multiple AstLinux boxes can share one account with a unique tarsnap.key generated on each box.

AstLinux uses the tarsnap-backup command as a front-end to the core tarsnap commands provided by the Tarsnap project. The tarsnap-backup command helps generate a tarsnap.key, add/remove cron entries and perform “dry-run” backup testing as well as the actual backups. The core tarsnap command is used for data restores.

The Command Line Interface (CLI) must be used to generate a tarsnap.key, “dry-run” backup testing as well as restoring data.

Tip -> Be certain to perform your own due diligence as for any online backup service.

Note: AstLinux 1.3.1 or later is required

Tarsnap Backup Options

Select the Network Tab in the web interface.
Network Tab

Tarsnap Backup Options

The default values will be used in the CLI examples below.

It is recommended to configure the “Email Notifications:” section to make sure you are aware of any backup issues.

Note -> If either Backup [kd] or [asturw] types have Defaults disabled and empty Dirs and Files, then no backup archive will be generated for that backup type.

Tarsnap Backup kd Files

Above is an example where the Backup [kd] type uses the default set as well includes a text CDR records file.

Tip -> It is more desirable to backup uncompressed text data files, rather then compressed or binary database files. Advanced users can make use of the optional /mnt/kd/tarsnap-backup.script to export database files to text in a special directory to efficiently create backup snapshots.

Here is a backup options example where all the directories and files are included in the [kd] backup, set Defaults disabled and * for both Dirs and Files.

Tarsnap Backup kd All

For this example creating a full [kd] backup, be sure to test with tarsnap-backup –cron –dry-run to make sure you are not including unnecessary files.

Tip -> Both the Dirs and Files fields may contain the * wildcard character, for example Files: voicemail/default/*/unavail.*

“Automatic Archive Aging” is a useful option to manage the amount of data you store. Pruning is disabled by default, but automatically deleting archives older then 30 days seems like a good setting for many users:

Tarsnap Prune

Currently (Sept/2017), listing archives is a rather slow process (~5/sec), so limiting the number of archives can be useful, it also saves on storage costs.

Generating a Key

Before you can generate a key you must create an account at Tarsnap, the password you choose along with your account email address will be needed whenever you create a new key.

Each unique key is associated with a set of archives. The optional –machine defaults to the local hostname and is only a label associated with the key, which is displayed in the administration web interface. While not required, it is best to make sure –machine is unique for every key.

Your Tarsnap account can have many keys, but only one key per AstLinux box, hence one set of archives per AstLinux box.

So, you have a Tarsnap account and password, begin by typing tarsnap-backup without any arguments…

pbx ~ # tarsnap-backup
tarsnap-backup: Missing '/mnt/kd/tarsnap/tarsnap.key' keyfile.

You must register with Tarsnap [ ] and define account credentials.
Using account credentials, generate a local '/mnt/kd/tarsnap/tarsnap.key'. **don't lose it**

tarsnap-backup --keygen [ --machine machine-name ]
               --machine will default to 'pbx'

Simple enough, use your account email and password, specify –machine if the default is not to your liking…

pbx ~ # tarsnap-backup --keygen
Enter tarsnap account password: 

Store a copy of your /mnt/kd/tarsnap/tarsnap.key somewhere safe, keeping track which AstLinux box it belongs to.

Warning -> If you lose your tarsnap.key, you will not be able to access your archived data!

Manual Backup

A good practice after defining the web interface backup options is to perform a –dry-run to view what is being archived. When using –dry-run nothing is sent to the Tarsnap servers, only a local operation.

pbx ~ # tarsnap-backup --cron --dry-run
**** Dry Run ****
a etc
-- snip --
                                       Total size  Compressed size
All archives                               9.9 kB           2.8 kB
  (unique data)                            9.9 kB           2.8 kB
This archive                               9.9 kB           2.8 kB
New data                                   9.9 kB           2.8 kb
**** Dry Run ****
a rc.conf.d
-- snip --
                                       Total size  Compressed size
All archives                               1.2 MB           335 kB
  (unique data)                            1.2 MB           335 kB
This archive                               1.2 MB           335 kB
New data                                   1.2 MB           335 kB
**** Dry Run ****

The first set is the [asturw] archive, and the second set is the [kd] archive. Study the output, adjust the web interface backup options if desired until you get the –dry-run result you want.

Normally your backups will occur nightly via cron, but your first set of archives should be done manually, same as before but don't include –dry-run.

pbx ~ # tarsnap-backup --cron
                                       Total size  Compressed size
All archives                               9.9 kB           2.7 kB
  (unique data)                            9.9 kB           2.7 kB
This archive                               9.9 kB           2.7 kB
New data                                   9.9 kB           2.7 kB
tarsnap-backup: Backup success: Created Tarsnap archive: pbx-asturw-20170912-100831, New Data: 2.7 kB, Unique Archived: 2.7 kB
                                       Total size  Compressed size
All archives                               1.2 MB           337 kB
  (unique data)                            1.2 MB           337 kB
This archive                               1.2 MB           335 kB
New data                                   1.2 MB           335 kB
tarsnap-backup: Backup success: Created Tarsnap archive: pbx-kd-20170912-100839, New Data: 335 kB, Unique Archived: 337 kB

Hopefully all goes well and no errors.

For fun, list the newly created archives…

pbx ~ # tarsnap-backup --list

and show the storage statistics…

pbx ~ # tarsnap-backup --stats
                                       Total size  Compressed size
All archives                               1.2 MB           337 kB
  (unique data)                            1.2 MB           337 kB

You are now ready to perform backups nightly, see the “Automating Backups” topic below.

Automating Backups

Tarsnap uses “data deduplication” and compression to reduce the size of archives, therefore it is efficient to run tarsnap-backup –cron once a day.

The following command will add a cron entry between 0(midnight) and 1(am) with a randomly generated minute value:

tarsnap-backup --install-cronjob

if you ever want do disable automatic backups:

tarsnap-backup --uninstall-cronjob

Tip: Don't use a cronjob between 02:00 and 03:00 in the night, because of DST switching :-).

Restore from an Archive

Find all archives on a specific date:

tarsnap-backup --list | grep -e '-20170911-'



List (verbose) of an archive:

tarsnap -tvf pbx4-kd-20170911-021208

Just as you would use tar to extract a file:

mkdir restore
tarsnap -xvf pbx4-kd-20170911-021208 -C restore asterisk/modules.conf

Then copy the file over to /mnt/kd/ if it looks OK, or for the daring you could have used -C /mnt/kd to directly overwrite.

You might also restore saved database dumps respectively. See below in the last part of the Optional Action Script.

Note -> If you restore to a different media than the original, you need to run this command afterwards to re-create the cache directory and to be able to create backups again 1):

tarsnap --fsck

Restore to a New Install

It is quite useful to use a Tarsnap Backup to restore a machine following a new install. This may occur after a disk failure or an upgrade to different hardware.

Note -> It is best practice that every instance (–machine) has a unique tarsnap.key, and the previous disk/hardware is no longer used with the same tarsnap.key.

Warning -> You should not use a Tarsnap Backup to “clone” an active system to create a new install, as that will duplicate private keys (SSH, VPN, etc.) which must be unique across deployed systems.

First, configure AstLinux using the standard New Install.
Set the “Management Password” via the web interface, it may be different from what is archived in the Tarsnap Backup if you wish.

Then, using the CLI, create the tarsnap directory:

mkdir /mnt/kd/tarsnap

Copy the stored unique tarsnap.key to /mnt/kd/tarsnap/

Restore all the /mnt/kd files from the previous kd archive:

tarsnap -xvf machine-kd-archive -C /mnt/kd

Note -> We are skipping restoring the machine-asturw-archive to /oldroot/mnt/asturw as it may be hardware specific and the “Management Password” was set above.

Resync the tarsnap cache directory:

tarsnap --fsck

Finally, Reboot the system to use the restored data.

Nuke All Archives

There may be a time when you want to delete all the stored archives associated with a tarsnap.key. The –nuke option only applies to the /mnt/kd/tarsnap/tarsnap.key generated archives. If you have other keys on other boxes, their associated archives will not be effected.

Warning -> This process is not reversible!

tarsnap --nuke
tarsnap --fsck

Useful CLI Commands

Show the online storage used, note the Compressed size(unique data) is the actual storage you are paying for.

tarsnap-backup --stats

Show the online storage used for a named archive:

tarsnap-backup --stats pbx4-kd-20170911-021208

Show the online storage used for all archives:

tarsnap-backup --stats '*'

List all archives sorted by name:

tarsnap-backup --list

List all archives sorted by time:

tarsnap-backup --list --sort time

List (verbose) of an archive:

tarsnap -tvf pbx4-kd-20170911-021208

Extract a file from the archive and output to stdout:

tarsnap -xOf pbx4-kd-20170911-021208 crontabs/root

Show the version of Tarsnap:

tarsnap-backup --version

Here is the complete manual

Global Tarsnap Config

The /etc/tarsnap.conf file contains the system defaults for the core tarsnap commands.

The user is allowed to edit the /etc/tarsnap.conf file, thought only do so when there is no other solution.

The most common entries that might be edited are the exclude entries:

exclude *.bak
exclude *.db
exclude *.mdb
exclude *.sqlite3
exclude *.fossil
exclude *.netset
exclude *.rom
exclude *.bin

If you are choosing to do a full backup, you may also define directory paths to be excluded.

Optional Action Script

Optionally, if there exists an executable /mnt/kd/tarsnap-backup.script script file it will be called before a backup and after a backup.

Before the backup, the arguments passed to the script are:

PRE_BACKUP (day 1-31) (month 1-12) (weekday 0-6)

After the backup, the arguments passed to the script are:

POST_BACKUP (day 1-31) (month 1-12) (weekday 0-6)

For example, before the backup on Tuesday, September 12, the arguments are:


and after the backup


Tip -> If you have constantly changing database files, you could choose to export them to a text file once a week so it will be efficiently archived.

Example /mnt/kd/tarsnap-backup.script script: (make it executable)


## Day: 1-31
## Month: 1-12
## Weekday: 0=Sunday 1=Monday 2=Tuesday 3=Wednesday 4=Thursday 5=Friday 6=Saturday

## Directory for text snapshots of databases and such
## Note: Add "custom-backup" to Web Interface / Tarsnap Backup Options / Backup [kd] Dirs:

if [ ! -d "$CUSTOM_BACKUP_DIR" ]; then

if [ "$ACTION" = "PRE_BACKUP" ]; then
  ## Backup manually created blocklist netset's since *.netset files are excluded, copy only when changed
  for x in /mnt/kd/blocklists/whitelist.netset \
           /mnt/kd/blocklists/whitelistv6.netset \
           /mnt/kd/blocklists/blocked-hosts*.netset; do
    if [ -f "$x" ]; then
      rsync -c "$x" "$CUSTOM_BACKUP_DIR/${x##*/}.copy"
  ## Backup astdb.sqlite3 and astlinux.fossil once a week (Friday)
  if [ "$WEEKDAY" = "5" ]; then
    if [ -f /mnt/kd/astdb.sqlite3 ]; then
      sqlite3 /mnt/kd/astdb.sqlite3 .dump > "$CUSTOM_BACKUP_DIR/astdb.sqlite3.dump"
    if [ -f /mnt/kd/fossil/astlinux.fossil ]; then
      sqlite3 /mnt/kd/fossil/astlinux.fossil .dump > "$CUSTOM_BACKUP_DIR/astlinux.fossil.dump"

This option is not listed in the program help!