
This is an old revision of the document!

Upgrade from 0.6.x

Please read UPGRADE.txt and changes-0.7 before you start.
If you are using mISDN with PCI cards please also read this.

(new after 0.6.2)

Most normal users should use this process. You can upgrade now from the web interface OR from the CLI

Using the web interface:

  1. Browse to the System tab (assuming your Astlinux device is called pbx)
  2. The default repository is
  3. Select “check for new”, check the confirm checkbox, then click the firmware button.

If a new version is found, you'll see a message at the top of the page after a short delay.

Next, change the dropdown to “upgrade with new”, check the confirm checkbox, then click the firmware button. The new firmware will be downloaded. At that point, you will be prompted to reboot to use the new firmware.

If you used the firewall in the web GUI in 0.6, you will need to upgrade Arno's firewall:

  1. Network tab > Firewall sub-tab > Save Settings
  2. Firewall sub-tab > Restart Firewall
  3. A message is displayed saying that the firewall supporting files need upgrading
  4. Firewall sub-tab > Upgrade/Restart Firewall (check the Confirm box)

Command line interface:

On the command line, the commands are similar:

  1. upgrade-run-image check
  2. upgrade-run-image upgrade
  3. Reboot when prompted

If you used the firewall in the web GUI in 0.6, you will need to upgrade Arno's firewall:

  1. upgrade-arno-firewall upgrade or hand edit, copy and patch the /mnt/kd/arno-iptables-firewall/ directory
  2. $ vi /mnt/kd/rc.conf
  3. $ gen-rc-conf
  4. $ arno-iptables-firewall restart

(Not required for most users)

Follow these steps to upgrade an existing Astlinux 0.5 or later installation. You no longer need to transfer a completely new image using dd or physdiskwrite. You don't even need to remove the media from your existing AstLinux device! With AstLinux running, perform the following steps.

  1. mount -o remount,rw /oldroot/cdrom
  2. Download the new files. The upgrade files would be astlinux-XXX.tar.gz. For example, if the release is 0.6.0, the files will be distributed as astlinux-0.6.0-<ARCH>.tar.gz. You could download these files onto a client PC or on your AstLinux device (in an area with enough free space)
  3. Expand the archive: tar -xzvf astlinux-0.6.0-<ARCH>.tar.gz
  4. cd astlinux-0.6.0-<ARCH>; cp * /oldroot/cdrom/os (if downloaded and decompressed on your client PC, you'll want to use a tool to scp the files to the AstLinux device.

NOTE: AstLinux supports retaining multiple versions in the 'os' directory. To determine which revision is booted, a 'ver' file is used. This ver file should contain a single line that lists the version to boot (for example: astlinux-0.6.1) If no ver file is present, the boot loader will load the 'highest revision', determined alphabetically (so 0.6-2011 would be newer than 0.6.2). So be careful if upgrading from an SVN version!

  • userdoc/upgrade-0.6.1263811867.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2010/01/18 04:51
  • by tom