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userdoc:tt_virtualbox [2012/01/23 15:52]
userdoc:tt_virtualbox [2016/02/05 09:03] (current)
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 ====== Convert AstLinux install files to VirtualBox ====== ====== Convert AstLinux install files to VirtualBox ======
 +!!Obsolete info with AstLinux 1.2.5 and later.!!  Use the ISO Installer Image.
-You can convert an astlinux-XX.img file to a VirtualBox .vdi and have a bootable system with a few simple steps.+\\  
 +You can convert an astlinux-XX.img file to a [[|VirtualBox]] .vdi file and have a bootable system with a few simple steps.
   - Download an AstLinux 'geni586' .img.gz file   - Download an AstLinux 'geni586' .img.gz file
-  - Decompress the image using gunzip +  - Decompress the image using gunzip, yielding a .img file 
-  - Use the VBoxManage utility to convert the image to a virtual disk+  - Use the VBoxManage (CLI) utility ([[|VirtualBox]]) to convert the image to a virtual disk
-  VBoxManage convertfromraw -format VDI astlinux-1.0.1-asterisk- astlinux-1.0.1.vdi+Example: 
 +  gunzip astlinux-1.2.3-asterisk-11.18.0.img.gz 
 +  VBoxManage convertfromraw -format VDI astlinux-1.2.3-asterisk-11.18.0.img astlinux-1.2.3.vdi
 //The formats VDI, VMDK and VHD are supported.// //The formats VDI, VMDK and VHD are supported.//
-Then you can then resize the image to let's say 2 GB:+Here is the complete manual of the [[|VBoxManage convertfromraw]] command.
-  VBoxManage modifyhd --resize <new size in MB> <path to image> e.g. +\\ 
-  VBoxManage modifyhd --resize 2048 /Users/astlinux/astlinux-1.0.1.vdi+
-Then simply create a new virtual machine using this file as the disk and start the normal **[[userdoc:new-install|setup]]**.+Then you can then resize the image...
-/* Be sure to use it as IDE harddisk in VirtualBox (default is SATA). You also need to create a secondary IDE harddisk for UnionFS. +Usage:
-You need to manually setup the UnionFS disk ((the WebGUI ''setup.php'' currently doesn't work with 2 separate disks)) with:+
-  genunion /dev/hdX+  VBoxManage modifyhd --resize <new size in MB> <path to image>
-In my case it was ''/dev/hdb'', you can verify this with '''fdisk -l'''\\ */ +Example (let's say 2 GB): 
-I used a network bridge (en0) and the PCnet-Fast III adapter for the 'geni586' image (on a Mac).+   
 +  VBoxManage modifyhd --resize 2048 astlinux-1.2.3.vdi
-==== Alternative in Java ====+Then simply create a new VirtualBox virtual machine using this .vdi file as the disk (I used a network bridge (en0) and the PCnet-Fast III adapter for the 'geni586' image on a Mac).
- the AstLinux Virtual Machine...
-==== Convert VM images to other formats ?=== +Finally, configure using the normal **[[userdoc:new-install|setup]]**.
-There is another way to convert images into other VM formats with [[|Qemu]] described here:+
-* Be sure to use it as IDE harddisk in VirtualBox (default is SATA)You also need to create a secondary IDE harddisk for UnionFS. 
 +You need to manually setup the UnionFS disk ((the WebGUI ''setup.php'' currently doesn't work with 2 separate disks)) with:
 +  genunion /dev/hdX
-\\  +In my case it was ''/dev/hdb'', you can verify this with '''fdisk -l'''\\ */
  • userdoc/tt_virtualbox.1327355544.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2012/01/23 15:52
  • by droemel