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userdoc:tt_queuemetrics [2018/12/20 10:21]
userdoc:tt_queuemetrics [2020/06/08 22:59] (current)
mknill [QueueMetrics Server Build]
Line 5: Line 5:
 !!Note ->!! This guide is for a separate 'Off Box' installation only ((at the end of this page you'll also find the changes needed for a hosted QM Live solution)). It also does not go into detail on the setting up of Queue Metrics itself. !!Note ->!! This guide is for a separate 'Off Box' installation only ((at the end of this page you'll also find the changes needed for a hosted QM Live solution)). It also does not go into detail on the setting up of Queue Metrics itself.
-This guide needs to be read in conjunction with the QueueMetrics documentation found [[https://www.queuemetrics.com/manual_list.jsp/|Here]]. As of writing, this documentation did need some updating as the installation procedure is not seamless+This guide needs to be read in conjunction with the QueueMetrics documentation found [[https://www.queuemetrics.com/manual_list.jsp|Here]].
 ===== QueueMetrics Server Build ===== ===== QueueMetrics Server Build =====
-Although QueueMetrics can be built on any Linux distribution, it is easiest and recommended on an RPM-based distribution. This guide was created using QueueMetrics version 18.04.\\+Although QueueMetrics can be built on any Linux distribution, it is easiest and recommended on an RPM-based distribution. This guide was created using QueueMetrics version 19.10.\\
 The following steps were performed on a Centos 7 Minimal Install. Note that only QueueMetrics related configuration has been included:  The following steps were performed on a Centos 7 Minimal Install. Note that only QueueMetrics related configuration has been included: 
Line 144: Line 144:
 ==== QueueMetrics Configuration ==== ==== QueueMetrics Configuration ====
-The configuration of QueueMetrics is not covered in the guide. Please see the QueueMetrics documentation found [[https://www.queuemetrics.com/manual_list.jsp/|Here]]+The configuration of QueueMetrics is not covered in the guide. Please see the QueueMetrics documentation found [[https://www.queuemetrics.com/manual_list.jsp|Here]]
 ===== QueueMetrics Live - Hosted Solution ===== ===== QueueMetrics Live - Hosted Solution =====
Line 155: Line 155:
   echo "Starting uniloader and unitracker ..."   echo "Starting uniloader and unitracker ..."
   nohup nice /mnt/kd/bin/uniloader -s /var/log/asterisk/queue_log --cacert "/usr/lib/ssl/cert.pem" upload --uri "https://my.queuemetrics-live.com/** Your QM instance name **" \   nohup nice /mnt/kd/bin/uniloader -s /var/log/asterisk/queue_log --cacert "/usr/lib/ssl/cert.pem" upload --uri "https://my.queuemetrics-live.com/** Your QM instance name **" \
-  --login webqloader --pass "** password of the wqloader QM user ** >> /var/log/uniloader.log & +  --login webqloader --pass "<password of the wqloader QM user> >> /var/log/uniloader.log & 
-  nohup nice /mnt/kd/bin/uniloader track --host "" --port "5038" --login queuemetrics --secret "** AMI Password **" --outboundcalls "1" --parkedcalls "1" >> /var/log/uniloader.log &+  nohup nice /mnt/kd/bin/uniloader track --host "" --port "5038" --login queuemetrics --secret "<AMI Password>" --outboundcalls "1" --parkedcalls "1" >> /var/log/uniloader.log &
 } }
 </code> </code>
  • userdoc/tt_queuemetrics.1545322875.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2018/12/20 10:21
  • by mkeuter