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IPv6 ULA / NPTv6 Configuration

AstLinux supports IPv6 Unique Local Addresses (ULA) with Network Prefix Translation (NPTv6) to assign static local routable IPv6 subnets which can be have their prefix mapped 1:1 to Global Unicast Addresses (GUA) for public Internet access.

This feature is often used in conjunction with: DHCPv6 with Prefix Delegation

Note: AstLinux 1.3.0 or later is required

What is a ULA ? IPv6 ULA's are used similarly to IPv4 local adresses e.g. A good reference and random ULA generator can be found here: Unique Local IPv6 Generator

The 40-bit random part of the ULA makes it statistically unlikely that you will have a collusion with any other randomly generated ULA /48 prefix. Whether merging networks together or VPN use, a truly “unique” ULA is worth the effort.

Tip -> If the IPv6 address begins with fd it is a ULA.

Some other examples, fd00::/48, fd01:1:1::/48, fd00:dead:beef::/48 are all examples of ULA's, but not very “unique” and should be avoided in practice.

As an alternative to using a web site for generating ULA prefixes, AstLinux has a CLI command unique-local-ipv6 for generating random ULA /48 prefixes:

# unique-local-ipv6

The unique-local-ipv6 command generates a new random ULA every time it is run.

Keep in mind you only need one ULA /48 prefix for your complete network. You will later carve the /48 into /64's for IPv6 autoconfig use. Since these are static and manually assigned, develop a method to keep track of the assigned /64's.

What is a GUA ? IPv6 GUA's are globally routable IPv6 addressed in the 2000::/3 prefix space.

Tip -> If the IPv6 address begins with 2 it is a GUA.

Is NPTv6 some sort of IPv6 NAT ? While NPTv6 is implemented in the Linux kernel NAT table, it is not the TCP/UDP port altering NAT we are familiar with IPv4. NPTv6 is a simple 1:1 mapping of one prefix to another prefix, the TCP/UDP ports remain the same. Often NPTv6 is stateless, but is implemented with the statefull firewall in AstLinux, so connection tracking occurs.

Note -> NPTv6 is not the same as NAT66, which should be always avoided.

The benefit of NPTv6 is to have a network of static, never changing ULA's that can be mapped to a GUA of the same prefix length for internet access. With that in mind, if your ISP provides you a GUA/60 prefix, you should only assign ULA/60 prefixes on your network so a 1:1 mapping can occur. This will allow inbound EXT→LAN forward rules to be applied in the firewall using static ULA addresses. If your ISP provides you a GUA/56 prefix you should assign ULA/56 prefixes on your network, etc. .

Tip -> If your ISP only provides a GUA/64 prefix it is not possible to perform a 1:1 mapping to a ULA/64 that won't collide with the GUA/64 prefix, but for only outbound initiated connections you can map a ULA/60 to your GUA/64 and the statefull firewall's connection tracking will properly return the packets to the ULA address.

Select the Network Tab in the web interface.
Network Tab

External Interface: → Connection Type:
This example assumes an entry containing: DHCPv6
Network Tab

For this example we will be defining three internal interfaces, assume a GUA/60 prefix from the ISP, and the unique-local-ipv6 generated fd06:d115:91f1::/48 ULA from above.

1st LAN Interface: Both GUA/64 and ULA/64 (<ula>:1::1/64) prefixes are “IPv6 Autoconfig” advertised to devices.

2nd LAN Interface: Only the ULA/64 (<ula>:2::1/64) prefix is “IPv6 Autoconfig” advertised to devices.

3rd LAN Interface: No routable IPv6 is enabled.

Example Internal Interface settings are:
Internal Interfaces Network Tab

Note -> A “Reboot System” is required to apply any changes related to the interface settings.

Configure Network Prefix Translation Firewall Plugin:
Network Prefix Translation

Click Configure Plugin, set ENABLED=1 and …

Define the global prefix, since were using dynamic DHCPv6 only specify the prefix length:


Define the local prefix, this must be fully qualified:


Tip -> ULA's are /48's but you typically want a symmetric mapping so inbound firewall rules work. Only special situations may desire non-symmetric mapping. In general use the same _LOCAL_PREFIX length as the _GLOBAL_PREFIX length.

Since NET_PREFIX_TRANSLATION_UPDATE_ON_STATUS=1 is enabled by default, when the DHCPv6 client detects a change in the global prefix, the Network Prefix Translation Firewall Plugin will be called to update using the new global prefix.

Final note, carving the ULA/48 into ULA/64's that will result in a 1:1 mapping to a GUA/60 is important to understand. In the example above we used IPv6/nn entries of <ula>:1::1/64 and <ula>:2::1/64 (where <ula> is shorthand for fd06:d115:91f1). For a ULA/60 the largest possible sequence is <ula>:0::1/64 to <ula>:f::1/64, which are 16 possibilities, but be careful the first <ula>:0::1/64 can't be used since that will conflict with the first “Assign GUA Prefix”, since they are indexed 0, 1, etc. . If we had selected a second “Assign GUA Prefix” (index 1) we would have to start the IPv6/nn entries with <ula>:2::1/64 or higher, better to start a little higher.

Suggestion on how to manage your ULA's with a GUA/60 prefix:
GUA Prefix Delegation <gua>0::1/64, <gua>1::1/64, etc. (dhcp6c automatic indexing 0, 1, etc.)
ULA's with Assign GUA Prefix <ula>:5::1/64, <ula>:6::1/64, etc. (use IPv6/nn in Network tab with “Assign GUA Prefix”)
ULA's for Local IPv6 <ula>:a::1/64, <ula>:b::1/64, etc. (use IPv6/nn in Network tab with “enabled”)
ULA for OpenVPN <ula>:f::1/64 (use Network IPv6/nn in OpenVPN Server Configuration)

For completeness, a ULA/56, the largest possible sequence is <ula>:00::1/64 to <ula>:ff::1/64, which are 256 possibilities. In the GUA/56 with ULA/56 case, it is a good idea to start your IPv6/nn entries with <ula>:10::1/64 or such to leave plenty of room for reserved “Assign GUA Prefix” entries since you have plenty to use.

Suggestion on how to manage your ULA's with a GUA/56 prefix:
GUA Prefix Delegation <gua>00::1/64, <gua>01::1/64, etc. (dhcp6c automatic indexing 00, 01, etc.)
ULA's with Assign GUA Prefix <ula>:10::1/64, <ula>:11::1/64, etc. (use IPv6/nn in Network tab with “Assign GUA Prefix”)
ULA's for Local IPv6 <ula>:20::1/64, <ula>:21::1/64, etc. (use IPv6/nn in Network tab with “enabled”)
ULA for OpenVPN <ula>:f0::1/64 (use Network IPv6/nn in OpenVPN Server Configuration)

The use of ULA's is particularly useful with VPN's since ULA's are static. Additionally, VPN's can route ULA's in a tunnel just as easily as GUA's.

Example OpenVPN Server Setup:

Network tab → VPN Type:
OpenVPN Server

Server Mode:

Network IPv6/nn: fd06:d115:91f1:f::1/64

“push”: route-ipv6 fd06:d115:91f1::/48

  • userdoc/tt_ipv6_ula_nptv6_config.1496527827.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/06/03 17:10
  • by abelbeck