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Dynamic DNS Client

AstLinux now supports the ddclient-curl package, installed as ddclient.

The ddclient-curl package is a fork of the original ddclient perl script, which has been rewritten to use curl for network IO and a comprehensive IPv4/IPv6 framework allowing both IPv4 and/or IPv6 dynamic addresses (A and/or AAAA records) to be updated using supported DNS service providers.

Note: AstLinux 1.2.10 or later is required for 'ddclient-curl' specific features

Configuring Dynamic DNS is relatively simple, but a few things must be considered first.

First you need to find a DNS provider you want to work with, many are free to use but be sure to check and abide by their terms of service. In many cases you will need to register a domain name of your own and configure your domain's DNS to point to the (two or more) name servers for your DNS provider.

So, while many DNS providers are free of charge, your domain name will have a nominal yearly cost.

Below is a short list of DNS providers that have been tested with AstLinux. There are many other providers available.

Cloudflare → Supports DNS A and AAAA record updates.

FreeDNS → Supports DNS A and AAAA record updates.

HE Free DNS → Supports DNS A and AAAA record updates.

DNS-O-Matic → Supports only DNS A record updates.

Select the Network Tab in the web interface.
Network Tab

Scroll down to the “Dynamic DNS Update:” section:

Dynamic DNS Standard Config

In most cases the standard configuration (above) will be fine. But for more advanced situations, multiple providers, multiple IP's, etc. a custom /mnt/kd/ddclient.conf file can be created.

The simplest case is to copy the system /stat/etc/ddclient.conf to your custom config:

cp /stat/etc/ddclient.conf /mnt/kd/ddclient.conf"

The next time you “Restart Dynamic DNS” the custom config will be used, but will work exactly as the standard case, matching the various “DNS Service Type:” menu entries. You may now make simple edits to the custom /mnt/kd/ddclient.conf file, maintaining support for all the “DNS Service Type:” menu entries.

For more complex configurations, you may find that supporting all the “DNS Service Type:” menu entries with the special syntax is too cumbersome, you may define your /mnt/kd/ddclient.conf as you wish, but the “DNS Service Type:” menu selection will be ignored.

Tip -> Macro replacements of @FOO@ variables will still be performed of your custom /mnt/kd/ddclient.conf contains such entities.

Select the Network Tab in the web interface.
Network Tab

Scroll down to the “Dynamic DNS Update:” section:

Dynamic DNS Custom Config

  • userdoc/tt_dynamic_dns_client.1486076747.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/02/02 17:05
  • by abelbeck