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userdoc:tt_dialproxy [2013/11/03 18:17]
abelbeck [Dialing Prefixes]
userdoc:tt_dialproxy [2019/01/26 13:56] (current)
abelbeck [Examples]
Line 73: Line 73:
 The (more specific) Actionlist ''DIALPROXY-value'' option "dialprefix=" has priority over the general "OutgoinglinePrefix". So you could normally use "0" for an outgoing line in Dialproxy usage, but the ''DIALPROXY-office'' extension could use "9" instead. The (more specific) Actionlist ''DIALPROXY-value'' option "dialprefix=" has priority over the general "OutgoinglinePrefix". So you could normally use "0" for an outgoing line in Dialproxy usage, but the ''DIALPROXY-office'' extension could use "9" instead.
-!!Note ->!! When ''DIALING_PREFIX_NUMBERS'' is defined the plus '+' character will not be filtered (unless acted upon by prefixes).  When ''DIALING_PREFIX_NUMBERS'' is not defined only the characters ''0123456789*#'' will be allowed.  If the plus '+' character is desired to be passed to the dialplan without prefix filtering set ''DIALING_PREFIX_NUMBERS="~~~"'' .+!!Note ->!! When ''DIALING_PREFIX_NUMBERS'' is defined the plus '+' character will not be filtered (unless acted upon by prefixes) and passed to the dialplan.  When ''DIALING_PREFIX_NUMBERS'' is not defined (the default) only the characters ''0123456789*#'' will be passed to the dialplan.  If additionally the plus '+' character is desired to be passed to the dialplan without prefix filtering set
 A typical application would allow an Address Book to support a link (URL), when clicked, to dial A typical application would allow an Address Book to support a link (URL), when clicked, to dial
 the phone number via a selected extension. the phone number via a selected extension.
-==== OS X "Address Book" plugin example ====+==== Examples ==== 
 +**OS X "Address Book/Contacts" plugin example** 
 +Until 10.8.x it needs to be saved as "~/Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/DialProxy-office.scpt" (Thanks Michael Keuter) 
 +//Since 10.9.x it has to be in "~/Library/Application Scripts/" instead and the application name should be "Contacts".//
-Saved as "~/Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/DialProxy-office.scpt" (Thanks Michael Keuter)+//Since 10.14.x (macOS Mojave) this feature no longer works due to privacy protections, though a "Quick Actionin ~/Library/Servicesstill works.//
 <code>using terms from application "Address Book" <code>using terms from application "Address Book"
Line 119: Line 126:
 end using terms from</code> end using terms from</code>
 +There is a nice Thunderbird plugin [[|TBDialOut]] which works fine with Dialproxy or AMI.  \\ !!Note:!! Might not work with the latest Thunderbird versions because of the Add-on format change of Mozilla. Still works when installed manually in TB 52.8.0 Mac.
 +For Firefox you could use [[|Telify]] via Dialproxy or [[|Noojee Click]] via AMI. \\ !!Note:!! Both won't work with the latest Firefox versions (57+) because of the Add-on format change of Mozilla.
 +**Google Chrome**
 +For Chome you could use [[|Asterisk Click2Call]] with Dialproxy (AstLinux 1.2.5 is needed!).
  • userdoc/tt_dialproxy.1383524237.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2013/11/03 18:17
  • by abelbeck