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userdoc:tt_console-kmap [2010/12/18 18:40]
userdoc:tt_console-kmap [2014/05/26 16:48] (current)
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-If the file ''os/console.kmap'' exists on the vFAT boot partition and a non-serial console is used, both RUNNIX ((from 0.3.0)) and AstLinux ((from 0.7.5)) will use the ''console.kmap'' keyboard map.+If the file '''os/console.kmap''' exists on the vFAT boot partition and a __non-serial console__ ((e.g. geni586, NOT needed for SSH)) is used, both RUNNIX ((since 0.3.0 - path '''/mnt/base/os/console.kmap''')) and AstLinux ((since 0.7.5 - path '''/oldroot/cdrom/os/console.kmap''')) will use the '''console.kmap''' keyboard map.
-For more info google "busybox loadkmap de.map fr.map".+More infos: 
 +  * http://dev.alpinelinux.org/bkeymaps/ 
 +  * http://www.mail-archive.com/busybox@busybox.net/msg12140.html 
 +  * or google "''busybox loadkmap de.map fr.map''".
 \\  \\ 
  • userdoc/tt_console-kmap.1292719218.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2010/12/18 18:40
  • by droemel