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mDNS/DNS-SD Service Discovery (Bonjour)

AstLinux now supports the Avahi package, a system which facilitates service discovery on a local network via the mDNS/DNS-SD protocol suite. The ability to “reflect” mDNS multicasts from one segment to another segment can be particularly useful.

Avahi's implementation of mDNS/DNS-SD is compatible with Bonjour.

In case you were wondering, the name “Avahi” is the scientific Latin name for a genus of Woolly lemur. One of the developers found the name, liked it, and it stuck.

Note: AstLinux 1.2.7 or later is required

Select the Network Tab in the web interface.
Network Tab

Locate the mDNS/DNS-SD entry within Network Services:

mDNS/DNS-SD Disabled Config

Change to “enabled” and “Save Settings”, then restart mDNS/DNS-SD…

mDNS/DNS-SD Enabled Config

mDNS/DNS-SD is now running, but by default not active on any interfaces.

A default configuration has been installed, which you can now edit by clicking on “Configure mDNS/DNS-SD”…

mDNS/DNS-SD Enabled Config

For example if you wanted to enable mDNS/DNS-SD on both the eth1 and eth2 interfaces, edit the allow-interfaces line to:


Reference: avahi-daemon.conf(5)

Tip -> The [reflector] section allows mDNS multicasts to be “reflected” to different subnets.

After making changes to the avahi-daemon.conf configuration file you can restart mDNS/DNS-SD.

  • userdoc/tt_avahi_mdns.1465393650.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2016/06/08 08:47
  • by abelbeck