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Asterisk Call Notification
AstLinux now supports the gntp-send CLI tool for sending Growl (GNTP) notifications
via the GNTP 1.0 TCP protocol and also via the legacy Growl UDP protocol.
A simple shell script can be called via an Asterisk System()
command, formulate the desired notification message, and send to a listening Growl endpoint using gntp-send
The notification can include CallerID name, number and extension, additionally an optional clickable link based on the CallerID number.
Tip -> Growl (GNTP) uses TCP port 23053, legacy Growl uses UDP port 9887.
Note: AstLinux 1.2.10 or later is required
Asterisk Dialplan Integration
Using the classic Macro()
[macro-growl-notify] exten => s,1,Set(OK=0-9a-zA-Z!#%&*+./<>?@[]_{}~\x20\x28\x29\x2c\x2d\x7c) exten => s,n,System(/mnt/kd/bin/asterisk-growl-notify-tcp '${FILTER(${OK},${CALLERID(name)}|${CALLERID(num)}|${ARG1})}' ${ARG2}) ; ;... exten => 1234,n,Macro(growl-notify,${EXTEN},
Using the modern Gosub()
[growl-notify] exten = s,1,Set(OK=0-9a-zA-Z!#%&*+./<>?@[]_{}~\x20\x28\x29\x2c\x2d\x7c) same = n,System(/mnt/kd/bin/asterisk-growl-notify-tcp '${FILTER(${OK},${CALLERID(name)}|${CALLERID(num)}|${ARG1})}' ${ARG2}) same = n,Return() ; ;... exten => 1234,n,Gosub(growl-notify,s,1(${EXTEN},
Either executable shell script asterisk-growl-notify-tcp
or asterisk-growl-notify-udp
(below) can be called via the System()
command, depending on the listening endpoint.
Tip -> The FILTER()
function call is used to prevent remote command injection.
Growl (GNTP) over TCP
Below is an example shell script asterisk-growl-notify-tcp
that can be customized to formulate the desired message notification.
Tip -> The growl_notify
function call is run in the background since the return value is not needed and TCP takes longer to handle the connection.
#!/bin/sh ## ## asterisk-growl-notify-tcp ## ## Usage: asterisk-growl-notify-tcp 'tel_name|tel_num|ext_num' client_ip ## ## Define ACTION_URL to add a clickable link, tel_num will be appended #ACTION_URL="" ## Set to "yes" for North America Numbering, USA/Canada/etc. NANPA="yes" PASS="secret" ICON="" tel_name="$(echo "$1" | cut -s -d'|' -f1)" tel_num="$(echo "$1" | cut -s -d'|' -f2)" ext_num="$(echo "$1" | cut -s -d'|' -f3)" client_ip="$2" if [ -z "$client_ip" -o -z "$tel_num" ]; then echo "Usage: asterisk-growl-notify-tcp 'tel_name|tel_num|ext_num' client_ip" >&2 exit 1 fi # Silently fail if client_ip is not reachable if ! fping -t 200 "$client_ip" >/dev/null 2>&1; then exit 2 fi format_NANPA_number() { echo "$1" | \ sed -r -e 's/^([2-9])([0-9]{2})([2-9])([0-9]{2})([0-9]{4})$/\1\2-\3\4-\5/' \ -e 's/^(1)([2-9])([0-9]{2})([2-9])([0-9]{2})([0-9]{4})$/\1-\2\3-\4\5-\6/' } growl_notify() { local num date title msg url if [ "$NANPA" = "yes" ]; then num="$(format_NANPA_number "$tel_num")" date="$(ldate '+%l:%M %p on %A, %B %e')" else num="$tel_num" date="$(ldate '+%X %A, %B %e')" fi title="Incoming Call" msg="$tel_name" msg="$msg${msg:+\n}$num" msg="$msg${ext_num:+\nfor $ext_num}" msg="$msg\n${date## }" url="${ACTION_URL:+$ACTION_URL$tel_num}" gntp-send -s "$client_ip" -p "$PASS" "$title" "$(echo -e "$msg")" "$ICON" "$url" } growl_notify >/dev/null 2>&1 &
Growl over UDP
Below is an example shell script asterisk-growl-notify-udp
that can be customized to formulate the desired message notification.
Note -> The UDP version of Growl is compatible with older Growl implementations, such as Growl 1.2.2 for Mac OS X.
Note -> A clickable URL or custom icon is not supported with the older UDP version.
#!/bin/sh ## ## asterisk-growl-notify-udp ## ## Usage: asterisk-growl-notify-udp 'tel_name|tel_num|ext_num' client_ip ## ## Set to "yes" for North America Numbering, USA/Canada/etc. NANPA="yes" PASS="secret" tel_name="$(echo "$1" | cut -s -d'|' -f1)" tel_num="$(echo "$1" | cut -s -d'|' -f2)" ext_num="$(echo "$1" | cut -s -d'|' -f3)" client_ip="$2" if [ -z "$client_ip" -o -z "$tel_num" ]; then echo "Usage: asterisk-growl-notify-udp 'tel_name|tel_num|ext_num' client_ip" >&2 exit 1 fi format_NANPA_number() { echo "$1" | \ sed -r -e 's/^([2-9])([0-9]{2})([2-9])([0-9]{2})([0-9]{4})$/\1\2-\3\4-\5/' \ -e 's/^(1)([2-9])([0-9]{2})([2-9])([0-9]{2})([0-9]{4})$/\1-\2\3-\4\5-\6/' } growl_notify() { local num date title msg if [ "$NANPA" = "yes" ]; then num="$(format_NANPA_number "$tel_num")" date="$(ldate '+%l:%M %p on %A, %B %e')" else num="$tel_num" date="$(ldate '+%X %A, %B %e')" fi title="Incoming Call" msg="$tel_name" msg="$msg${msg:+\n}$num" msg="$msg${ext_num:+\nfor $ext_num}" msg="$msg\n${date## }" gntp-send -u -s "$client_ip" -p "$PASS" "$title" "$(echo -e "$msg")" } growl_notify >/dev/null 2>&1
Desktop Clients
Mac OS X
Growl 1.2.2f1 (forked) version for Mac OS X works in UDP mode on newer OS versions (tested up to 10.11.6). But it does not support an icon or a clickable URL in the notification.
Growl 2.x (from the Mac AppStore) (4 USD) was not tested. The Growl homepage says: supported up to 10.9.5 (development has stalled!).
Snarl 3.1 and 5.0beta have been tested to work in TCP mode with the GNTP 1.0 protocol (tested on Win 10 64-bit).
Growl for Windows Last version 2.0.9 is from 2012, not tested (development has stalled).
Linux Desktop
Growl for Linux Typically compile from source. Same author as gntp-send