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userdoc:faq [2015/12/20 15:52]
userdoc:faq [2017/06/08 11:02] (current)
abelbeck [Only up to 3 GB RAM is recognized]
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 ===== Only up to 3 GB RAM is recognized ===== ===== Only up to 3 GB RAM is recognized =====
-For 32-bit (non-PAE enabled) Linux, the maximum addressable user-space RAM is around 3 GB.+The bottom lineas of the year 2016, there is absolutely no benefit for an AstLinux system to have more than 2 GB of RAM, more can exist but is unnecessary.
-Currently (2016), there is absolutely no benefit for an AstLinux system to have more than 2 GB of RAM, more can exist but is unnecessary.+For 32-bit (non-PAE enabledLinuxthe maximum addressable user-space RAM is around 3 GB.  This is the case for all AstLinux board types except x86_64 based images.
 +For 64-bit (x86_64) Linux, the maximum addressable RAM is only limited by your hardware, so you would expect to see about 4 GB with 4 GB RAM installed, but with the AstLinux system, the bootloader is RUNNIX (a 32-bit, non-PAE enabled Linux Kernel) which is common across all AstLinux board types.  As it turns out with RUNNIX, the "BIOS-provided physical RAM map" is trimmed to 3 GB, and that trimmed RAM map is passed on to the 64-bit x86_64 AstLinux image (via ''kexec''), thereby also limiting the x86_64 image to 3 GB of usable RAM.
 +The AstLinux developers have demonstrated that if the RUNNIX bootloader was compiled with a 32-bit, PAE enabled Linux Kernel, the "BIOS-provided physical RAM map" is not trimmed and the kexec'ed 64-bit x86_64 AstLinux image sees all the RAM.  Unfortunately the net5501 and Alix hardware are not PAE capable.
 +The added confusion of multiple RUNNIX flavors would not actually solve a real-world problem, so the maximum recognized RAM currently remains at 3 GB.  The day when greater then 3 GB RAM is useful, the RUNNIX bootloader can be compiled with a PAE enabled Linux Kernel.
 +!!Update ->!! RUNNIX 0.5 uses a PAE enabled Linux Kernel, so the full RAM is supported.  Available with AstLinux 1.3.0 and later.
 ===== Asterisk caller hears no voicemail prompts or music on hold ===== ===== Asterisk caller hears no voicemail prompts or music on hold =====
 If you are running Astlinux 0.7.1 or later, Asterisk sounds packages are not installed by default. If a call tries to play a missing sound file, the call is silently terminated. To install the necessary sounds packages, see [[userdoc:sounds-packages#Sounds Packages]]. If you are running Astlinux 0.7.1 or later, Asterisk sounds packages are not installed by default. If a call tries to play a missing sound file, the call is silently terminated. To install the necessary sounds packages, see [[userdoc:sounds-packages#Sounds Packages]].
  • userdoc/faq.1450648328.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2015/12/20 15:52
  • by abelbeck