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userdoc:berofix [2017/07/01 11:01]
userdoc:berofix [2018/09/29 10:00] (current)
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 ====== bero*fix ====== ====== bero*fix ======
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 The bero*fix card from [[|BeroNet]] is a kind of modular Media Gateway in form of a PCI/PCIe card ((the PCI card fits into a net5501 with a standard case, but **not** with the Molex power connector, needed (only) for **FXS** modules!)) or an external box, which talks to Asterisk via SIP ((so __no__ ISDN driver needs to be installed for it)). It will be detected by the the system as a standard network card ((Realtek RTL8139 (PCI) or RTL8101E (PCIe) chipset, these are included in the net5501, geni586 and genx86_64 images)). It's the successor to the BNxSO and BNxE1 ISDN cards. It has 2 module slots, which can be used for BRI and/or S2M connections (also mixed). FXS, FXO, 2BRI/2FXS and GSM modules are supported too. The bero*fix card has its own webserver and is configured via a WebGUI. Further Information can be found here: The bero*fix card from [[|BeroNet]] is a kind of modular Media Gateway in form of a PCI/PCIe card ((the PCI card fits into a net5501 with a standard case, but **not** with the Molex power connector, needed (only) for **FXS** modules!)) or an external box, which talks to Asterisk via SIP ((so __no__ ISDN driver needs to be installed for it)). It will be detected by the the system as a standard network card ((Realtek RTL8139 (PCI) or RTL8101E (PCIe) chipset, these are included in the net5501, geni586 and genx86_64 images)). It's the successor to the BNxSO and BNxE1 ISDN cards. It has 2 module slots, which can be used for BRI and/or S2M connections (also mixed). FXS, FXO, 2BRI/2FXS and GSM modules are supported too. The bero*fix card has its own webserver and is configured via a WebGUI. Further Information can be found here:
  • userdoc/berofix.1498924869.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2017/07/01 11:01
  • by droemel