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WireGuard VPN Configuration

AstLinux now supports the WireGuard VPN. WireGuard is an extremely simple yet fast and modern VPN that utilizes state-of-the-art cryptography. WireGuard was created by Jason A. Donenfeld.

Info -> Currently (March 2020) WireGuard is included in Linux 5.6 and onward. Backports for older kernels are also maintained. Be certain to perform your own due diligence and testing of what could become the premier VPN type across most all platforms.

Note: AstLinux 1.3.2 or later is required, new features with 1.3.5 or later

Note: AstLinux 1.3.6 or later supports Reload WireGuard VPN

Note: AstLinux 1.3.7 or later supports WG→Local firewall rules

WireGuard Initial Configuration

Select the Network Tab in the web interface.
Network Tab

Locate the WireGuard VPN entry within Network Services: → VPN Type:
WireGuard VPN Enable Config

Check “WireGuard VPN” and click on WireGuard Configuration

WireGuard VPN Initial Config

Fill in the “IPv4 Address”, click “Save Settings” and then “Restart VPN”.

WireGuard VPN is now running, but by default no mobile clients or remote peers are defined.

Next, you can define a “Mobile Client” or “Remote Peer” or both.

A “Mobile Client” is a single IP endpoint peer, like an Android or iOS mobile device, very easy to manage.

A “Remote Peer” can be a full network peer, possibly another AstLinux box, more powerful but somewhat more complex to manage.

Note -> Mobile Clients are automatically assigned a unique IP address in the range of .101 to .199 for the last octet (example here: to Best practice is to refrain from using IP's in this range for both this tunnel's “IPv4 Address” (above) and Remote Peer's IP address so both configuration types can coexist. Similarly for IPv6 the Mobile Client reserved range is …:0101 to …:0199.

WireGuard Mobile Client Configuration

Note: AstLinux 1.3.5 or later supports mobile client configuration.

First, examine the default options used for newly created clients:

WireGuard Mobile Client Defaults

Tip -> The defaults only apply to newly created clients. The client's configuration can be changed later via “Edit Peer”.

By default, there are no Mobile Client Credentials…

WireGuard Mobile Client Credentials

As an example, user “fred” has an iPad which is granted VPN access, create a “New Client” named “iPad-fred”…

WireGuard Mobile Client Credentials

Clients can be just as easily removed by checking the box under “Delete” and clicking “Delete Checked”.

Important -> As Mobile Clients are created and deleted, the WireGuard VPN is updated in realtime, so a “Restart VPN” is NOT required when managing mobile clients. This is a very useful feature allowing mobile clients to be managed without disrupting other active WireGuard VPN users.

While this step can be typically skipped, those curious on what “Edit Peer” displays is as follows…

## WireGuard VPN Peer
## Client: iPad-fred
PublicKey = YC5Vpz48DX/EKfpcPhi1KM69587y2eOLRbIgnZz1smE=
AllowedIPs =
PersistentKeepalive = 0

Endpoint =
PublicKey = obniQZbYFxcW00pBCNS6Mpxpoom33v9kIDUuzsPnd1w=
AllowedIPs =,
PersistentKeepalive = 0

Address =

The final step for each Mobile Client is to download the client's credentials by clicking on “Download”, a .zip file will be downloaded.

Important -> The downloaded credentials .zip file must be handled securely as it's contents are not encrypted. View the enclosed README.txt file for more info.

The extracted folder contains the following three files…

WireGuard Mobile Credential Files

Note -> While the QR code PNG file looks obfuscated to the human eye, keep it secure.

Using the WireGuard App on your mobile device, import the credentials… scan the QR code or securely import the .conf file.

Your VPN tunnel should work immediately, initiated by the mobile client.

WireGuard Remote Peer Configuration

Note -> Defining remote peers is optional when Mobile Clients are defined.

By default no remote peers are defined. Click on Edit Peer Config and view the commented example peer.

## WireGuard VPN Peers
## Example:
## Uncomment and replace the entries with your Peer's configuration
#PublicKey = HIgo9xNzJMWLKASShiTqIybxZ0U3wGLiUeJ1PKf8ykw=
#Endpoint =
#AllowedIPs =,
#PersistentKeepalive = 0

Uncomment [Peer] and uncomment and define the the PublicKey and AllowedIPs entries.

Tip -> PublicKey is the public key of the remote peer.

Tip -> AllowedIPs are a comma-separated list of IPv4 and/or IPv6 address/networks that are allowed into the VPN tunnel, destined to the remote peer.

The Endpoint entry is optional, define it if the peer has a known IP Address or DNS name. If the peer is a roaming road-warrior, leave Endpoint commented-out.

The PersistentKeepalive entry is optional, a non-zero value in seconds will send keep-alive packets to the remote peer (rarely needed).

Note that when multiple peers are defined, the corresponding AllowedIPs operate as a sort of routing table, uniquely directing routed packets to only one peer or no peers (dropped).

When you have finished editing the remote peer(s) in the Edit tab, “Save Changes” and then restart the WireGuard VPN:

Restart WireGuard VPN

Note: AstLinux 1.3.6 or later supports Reload WireGuard VPN for those situations when only peers are edited, added or removed. Reload WireGuard VPN will apply the peer changes without interrupting currently active peers.

If Tunnel/Interface/Firewall Options are changed, you must use Restart WireGuard VPN to apply changes.

WireGuard Configuration Options

WireGuard VPN Tunnel Options

Note -> If an AllowedIPs entry specifies a /0 default route, no automatic route will be created for that entry.

WireGuard VPN Interface Options

WireGuard VPN Firewall Options

Tip -> Allow any external IPv4-only address by defining “External Hosts:” to

Tip -> Allow any external IPv6-only address by defining “External Hosts:” to ::/0

Tip -> Allow any external IPv4/IPv6 address by defining “External Hosts:” to 0/0

Note: AstLinux 1.3.7 or later supports WG→Local firewall rules.

WireGuard VPN Firewall WG->Local

Important -> The default policy is to allow all WG→Local traffic unless “Pass WG→Local” is defined, then the default policy is to deny all WG→Local traffic.

ICMP Echo Request (ping) packets are allowed and rate-limited for WG→Local traffic, regardless of the “Firewall Rules:” choice.

Tip -> Allow SSH and DNS traffic, deny all other traffic … choose “Pass WG→Local” and set TCP to 0/0~22,53 and UDP to 0/0~53

Tip -> Deny HTTP/HTTPS traffic, allow all other traffic … choose “Deny WG→Local” and set TCP to 0/0~80,443

Tip -> Click on the blue (i) icon for detailed help.

WireGuard VPN Public Key

When WireGuard VPN is active, a “This Peer's Public Key:” entry is shown, for easy copy/paste to remote peer configurations.

Enable Firewall

The firewall must be enabled for the WireGuard VPN to operate properly. The WireGuard VPN device wg0 is treated as a LAN internal interface, which by default is isolated from all other LAN internal interfaces, but does by default have full access to the AstLinux box itself if the peer's AllowedIPs allows it. The firewall can be configured to allow the WireGuard VPN tunnel to pass packets to any one of the configured physical LAN interfaces. For example…

Network tab → Firewall Configuration:

Click on Firewall Configuration

Additionally, the WireGuard VPN tunnel is NAT'ed via the external interface, such that if an exiting IPv4 tunnel packet is routed out through the external interface it will have a NAT'ed path back into the tunnel.

Optional Action Script

Optionally, if there exists an executable /mnt/kd/wireguard.script script file it will be called after the VPN is up and before the VPN is down.

After the VPN is up, the arguments passed to the script are:

POST_UP interface

Before the VPN is down, the arguments passed to the script are:

PRE_DOWN interface

Note: AstLinux 1.3.4 or later also supports actions PRE_UP and POST_DOWN

Example /mnt/kd/wireguard.script script: (make it executable)


## WireGuard Interface: (ex. wg0)

if [ "$ACTION" = "POST_UP" ]; then
  logger -t wireguard -p "WireGuard VPN is started on '$INTERFACE' interface."
elif [ "$ACTION" = "PRE_DOWN" ]; then
  logger -t wireguard -p "WireGuard VPN is stopping '$INTERFACE' interface."

Tip -> For special routing situations, using /mnt/kd/wireguard.script you can mark wireguard traffic on POST_UP with:

wg set "$INTERFACE" fwmark 51820

and add ip rule add … fwmark 51820 rules on POST_UP and remove the same rules on PRE_DOWN.

WireGuard Client Support

WireGuard is now available for iOS / Android / macOS / Windows installation.

Each client is open source and free to use.

Additional Documentation

man wg.8


Troubleshooting (Ignore Proxy ARP comments)