Table of Contents

Install FOP2 Add-On Package

The FOP2 Add-On Package requires hardware with 512 MB or more of RAM. FOP2 requires about 100 MB of RAM including AstLinux's RAM based /tmp/par-root/ files.

Note: AstLinux 1.1.3 or later is required

Install FOP2 via Web Interface

Using the web interface, click on the System Tab
and view the Add-On Packages section:

FOP2 Package

Select the fop2 package, then select the action, Upgrade/Install, then click on the Add-On Package button to install the FOP2 Package. Additional actions are Remove, Show Installed and Revert to Previous.

Next, Edit the /etc/asterisk/manager.conf file and add the the following [fop2] context after the [webinterface] context:

secret = astlinux
deny =
permit =
read = all
write = all
writetimeout = 1000
eventfilter=!Event: RTCP*
eventfilter=!Event: VarSet
eventfilter=!Event: Cdr
eventfilter=!Event: DTMF
eventfilter=!Event: AGIExec
eventfilter=!Event: ExtensionStatus
eventfilter=!Event: ChannelUpdate
eventfilter=!Event: ChallengeSent
eventfilter=!Event: SuccessfulAuth
eventfilter=!Event: HangupRequest
eventfilter=!Event: SoftHangupRequest
eventfilter=!Event: NewAccountCode
eventfilter=!Event: MusicOnHold
eventfilter=!Event: LocalBridge

Also, Edit the /etc/asterisk/sip.conf file and enable callevents:


Next, Reboot the system…


After AstLinux has rebooted, edit the FOP2 files, starting with users.cfg

FOP2 Files

and at the end of users.cfg add a line something like:


Finally, you can now create buttons with the buttons.cfg file. Apply buttons.cfg file changes with “Reload Asterisk FOP2”:

Reload FOP2

In the web interface, upper right corner, click on FOP2:

FOP2 Link

You should be presented with a new window and login dialog, login with the credentials defined above.

Note -> Should you ever want to disable FOP2,

FOP2 Package

will automatically stop any running daemon and remove the FOP2 code. The /mnt/kd/fop2/ directory is left alone, so later enabling (Upgrade/Install) fop2 picks up where you left off.

Install FOP2 via CLI

Alternately, the CLI can be used to manage Add-On Packages:

To add the FOP2 Add-On Package via the CLI command:

upgrade-package fop2 upgrade

The available options for the upgrade-package command are as follows:

Usage: upgrade-package show
Usage: upgrade-package package_name upgrade|revert|remove [ package_url ]

Next, Edit the /etc/asterisk/manager.conf file and add the the following [fop2] context after the [webinterface] context:

secret = astlinux
deny =
permit =
read = all
write = all
writetimeout = 1000
eventfilter=!Event: RTCP*
eventfilter=!Event: VarSet
eventfilter=!Event: Cdr
eventfilter=!Event: DTMF
eventfilter=!Event: AGIExec
eventfilter=!Event: ExtensionStatus
eventfilter=!Event: ChannelUpdate
eventfilter=!Event: ChallengeSent
eventfilter=!Event: SuccessfulAuth
eventfilter=!Event: HangupRequest
eventfilter=!Event: SoftHangupRequest
eventfilter=!Event: NewAccountCode
eventfilter=!Event: MusicOnHold
eventfilter=!Event: LocalBridge

Also, Edit the /etc/asterisk/sip.conf file and enable callevents:


Next, start the fop2 service with the following CLI commands:

asterisk -rx "manager reload"
asterisk -rx "sip reload"
service lighttpd stop
service lighttpd init
service fop2 init

(This last command can take many seconds)

Next, Edit the /etc/fop2/users.cfg file and at the end add a line something like:


Finally, you can now create buttons with the /etc/fop2/buttons.cfg file. Apply buttons.cfg file changes with:

service fop2 reload

In a web browser go to:


You should be presented with a login dialog, login with the credentials defined above.

Note -> Should you ever want to disable FOP2,

upgrade-package fop2 remove

will automatically stop any running daemon and remove the FOP2 code. The /mnt/kd/fop2/ directory is left alone, so later enabling (upgrade) fop2 picks up where you left off.