====== Dialproxy ======
==== General ====
The purpose is to trigger a call by first dialing a selected extension, when answered, the script completes and an outgoing call is initiated to the ''num=number''. The Actionlist "DIALPROXY-value" key is used to define the extension and options.
!!Note -> AstLinux 1.1.4!! added the following features to ''dialproxy.php'':
* Support for POST method on addition to previous GET method.
* Support for non-numeric ''num='' (eg. +49 89-12345678), but must be urlencode'ed when passed.
* E.164 number prefix filtering using DIALING_PREFIX_NUMBERS (rc.conf variable).
**Typical uses:**
GET Method:
$ curl "http://pbx/dialproxy.php?num=2223334444&ext=value"
$ curl --insecure "https://pbx/dialproxy.php?num=2223334444&ext=value"
!!Tip ->!! Include ''!!&debug=1!!'' for testing ''DIALING_PREFIX_NUMBERS'' prefix settings without dialing.
POST Method:
$ curl --data-urlencode 'num=2223334444' --data-urlencode 'ext=value' http://pbx/dialproxy.php
$ curl --data-urlencode 'num=2223334444' --data-urlencode 'ext=value' --insecure https://pbx/dialproxy.php
!!Tip ->!! Include ''!!-d debug=1!!'' for testing ''DIALING_PREFIX_NUMBERS'' prefix settings without dialing.
The ''num=number'' is the outbound call phone number. Be certain to [[wp>Percent-encoding|urlencode]] any non-numeric number when passed.
The ''ext=value'' is a label that references a key in the Asterisk "AstDB" database.
The actionlist key ''DIALPROXY-value'' must be defined, the required data is the initial
phone extension to dial, such as ''SIP/1234''. Additionally, tilde '~' separated options of:
^ Option ^ Description ^
| ''context=default'' | The context to make the outgoing call from, defaults to 'default' |
| ''timeout=30'' | The amount to time to ring extension, defaults to '30' seconds |
| ''callerid='' | The outgoing Caller ID |
| ''localcallerid='' | The Caller ID for local (2-4 char) extension destinations |
| ''dialprefix='' | Dial Prefix (e.g. 0 or 9), overrides ''OutgoinglinePrefix'', if set in ''DIALING_PREFIX_NUMBERS'' |
| ''allow='' | Allowed IP addresses which only have access, space-or-comma separated, defaults to everyone. |
**Actionlist DIALPROXY Example:**
!!Tip ->!! If you need to "do something" with your (originating) phone, before it answers, you can use local channels instead of e.g. a SIP channel, like:
DIALPROXY-999 => local/999@predial-context
!!Note ->!! Attempts to use ''dialproxy.php'' without a valid matching DIALPROXY-value actionlist entry will be logged to syslog including the offending HTTP remote IP address.
In Asterisk, the ''[webinterface]'' manager.conf context must include the permissions:
read = command,call,originate
write = command,call,originate
==== Dialing Prefixes ====
Support for International [[wp>E.164|E.164]] numbering can be simplified by defining the following Dialing Prefixes in your ''user.conf'', which are then used by ''dialproxy.php'':
!!Note: AstLinux 1.1.4 or later is required!!
## International E.164 dialing prefixes. Currently used by dialproxy.php
## Define 4 ~ (tilde) separated arguments (all optional)
## Arg1: InternationalPrefix
## Arg2: NationalPrefix
## Arg3: CountryPrefix
## Arg4: OutgoinglinePrefix - dial prefix added to every number
## Germany example: "00~0~49~"
## Map '+44 123 12345678' -> '004412312345678'
## Map '+49 89-12345678' -> '08912345678'
## Map '+1 (222) 333-4444' -> '0012223334444'
The (more specific) Actionlist ''DIALPROXY-value'' option "dialprefix=" has priority over the general "OutgoinglinePrefix". So you could normally use "0" for an outgoing line in Dialproxy usage, but the ''DIALPROXY-office'' extension could use "9" instead.
!!Note ->!! When ''DIALING_PREFIX_NUMBERS'' is defined the plus '+' character will not be filtered (unless acted upon by prefixes) and passed to the dialplan. When ''DIALING_PREFIX_NUMBERS'' is not defined (the default) only the characters ''0123456789*#'' will be passed to the dialplan. If additionally the plus '+' character is desired to be passed to the dialplan without prefix filtering set:
A typical application would allow an Address Book to support a link (URL), when clicked, to dial
the phone number via a selected extension.
==== Examples ====
**OS X "Address Book/Contacts" plugin example**
Until 10.8.x it needs to be saved as "~/Library/Address Book Plug-Ins/DialProxy-office.scpt" (Thanks Michael Keuter)
//Since 10.9.x it has to be in "~/Library/Application Scripts/com.apple.AddressBook/" instead and the application name should be "Contacts".//
//Since 10.14.x (macOS Mojave) this feature no longer works due to privacy protections, though a "Quick Action" in ~/Library/Services/ still works.//
using terms from application "Address Book"
-- URL for AstLinux DialProxy
property dialproxyUrl : "https://pbx/dialproxy.php"
-- specify extension in actionlist DIALPROXY-key
property myExtension : "office"
on action property
return "phone"
end action property
on action title for thePerson with phoneNumber
return (value of phoneNumber as string) & " via " & myExtension
end action title
on should enable action for thePerson with phoneNumber
return true
end should enable action
on perform action for thePerson with phoneNumber
set myNumber to (value of phoneNumber as string)
-- cleanup the phone number
set myNumber to do shell script "echo '" & myNumber & "' | sed -e 's/[^0-9]//g'"
-- generate URL for AstLinux DialProxy
set dialUrl to dialproxyUrl
set dialUrl to dialUrl & "?num=" & myNumber
set dialUrl to dialUrl & "&ext=" & myExtension
-- call URL using "curl"
do shell script "curl --insecure '" & dialUrl & "' >/dev/null"
end perform action
end using terms from
There is a nice Thunderbird plugin [[https://addons.mozilla.org/de/thunderbird/addon/tbdialout/|TBDialOut]] which works fine with Dialproxy or AMI. \\ !!Note:!! Might not work with the latest Thunderbird versions because of the Add-on format change of Mozilla. Still works when installed manually in TB 52.8.0 Mac.
For Firefox you could use [[https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/telify/|Telify]] via Dialproxy or [[https://addons.mozilla.org/de/firefox/addon/noojee-click-for-asterisk/|Noojee Click]] via AMI. \\ !!Note:!! Both won't work with the latest Firefox versions (57+) because of the Add-on format change of Mozilla.
**Google Chrome**
For Chome you could use [[https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/asterisk-click2call/hlnmjkbpmnbgeondjeceaomhafdacmlj|Asterisk Click2Call]] with Dialproxy (AstLinux 1.2.5 is needed!).