====== Configure FOP2 Buttons ====== !!Note: AstLinux 1.1.3 or later is required!! The buttons should be edited in the provided ''buttons.cfg'' file: ''/etc/fop2/buttons.cfg'' {{:userdoc:edit-tab-fop2-files.jpg?nolink|FOP2 Files}} !!Note ->!! All actions with the toolbar are **extension** related! You need to be logged in with your correct extension to associate your phone with the FOP2 toolbar. Starting with a simple example, let's create a basic configuration... ; Extensions [SIP/1011] type=extension extension=1011 context=from-local label=Network Room mailbox=1011@default email=network@example.com [SIP/1016] type=extension extension=1016 context=from-local label=Office mailbox=1016@default email=office@example.com ; Trunks [SIP/vitel-inbound] type=trunk label=SIP Inbound context=from-vitelity [SIP/vitel-outbound] type=trunk label=SIP Outbound ; Parking Lot [PARK/default] label=Park type=park extension=700 context=parkedcalls The resulting Panel looks as follows when logged in as extension **1016**: {{:userdoc:fop2-configure-buttons-example.jpg?nolink|Panel}} This example is a good starting point, though you can do much, much more. !!Tip ->!! In your Asterisk dialplan, if you include the voicemail context for ''Voicemail()'' and ''VoicemailMain()'' arguments, (often ''@default'') the Panel will display feedback while the user is accessing voicemail. At this point it would be good to view some of the **[[:userdoc:tt_asterisk-fop2-tutorials|FOP2 Video Tutorials]]** to see what can be done. ===== Further FOP2 Documentation ===== The FOP2 website has documentation about the configuration, though is it focused on FreePBX and using it's MySQL schema for a structured source of data. You must read carefully to determine what applies to AstLinux. **[[http://www.fop2.com/documentation-configuration-buttons.php|Buttons]]** For detailed questions regarding the configuration of FOP2 please look first at the [[http://www.fop2.com/documentation.php|documentation pages]] on the FOP2 webpage, and then in the [[http://www.fop2.com/forum/|FOP2 forum]]. Especially read the [[http://www.fop2.com/forum/viewforum.php?f=2|release notes]]. FOP2 can be quite complex :-).