====== Changes from 0.6.x to 0.7 ====== FIXME Only a draft version, must be enhanced. * When you upgrade be sure to read the [[http://astlinux.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/astlinux/branches/0.7/UPGRADE.txt|UPGRADE.txt]] in the [[http://astlinux.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/astlinux/|SVN]] * If you are using mISDN with PCI cards please also read **[[misdn|this]]**. * There is also a [[http://astlinux.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/astlinux/branches/0.7/ChangeLog.txt|ChangeLog.txt]] for the many changes in detail. * Changes to the Web interface by Lonnie, are found here [[http://lonnie.abelbeck.com/astlinux/altweb-changelog.txt|altweb-changelog.txt]]\\ (0.7.x uses version 1.6.xx) * Arno's firewall upgraded (requiring a manual process to complete when upgrading from 0.6) * Removed astfw -- all features were replaced with Arno's firewall + plugins * Allow firewall to be active when only one network device is defined * Replaced Zaptel with [[DAHDI]] * Newer Linux kernel ( in 0.7.0 compared to in 0.6.8) * New Wiki and web site